EMERGENCY FIRST AID AT WORK What is Emergency First Aid? Well it’s exactly that, the first aid to be offered if an incident occurs. Not many of us are confronted with scenes of blood and gore in our everyday lives – so usually first aid could be as simple...
LEGIONELLA TRAINING Current legislation set out by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 along with the HSE’s updated code of practice known as L8 which was published in 2001, states that Companies and building owners have a legal duty to manage Legionella. Our...
ABRASIVE WHEELS TRAINING This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work. There are a wide range of tools and processes that use abrasive wheels and ensuring these are used correctly and safely...
CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH (COSHH) TRAINING This course covers what you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). It’s aimed at anyone who is exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work, as well as line...
FOOD SAFETY TRAINING Food Handlers and their employers have a legal duty to manage Food Safety. These obligations are set out by a number of EU and UK Laws. These Laws state that food handlers must make sure that food which is prepared, cooked, served or sold, is safe...
WORKING AT HEIGHT TRAINING This course is aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. The term work at height applies to a wide range of situations ranging from the obvious ones like working on platforms, ladders,...